What We Treat

Mental Health Treatment Centers

Individually Tailored Treatment Plans

We understand that each individual has unique needs when it comes to approaching what needs to be worked on. Our programs provide for that and have been built to accomodate anyone no matter where they are in their journey.


Bipolar Disorder

Those who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder experience extreme highs and lows moving from mania to depression. Treatment can help stabilize people with this disorder.

Bipolar Disorder

Those who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder experience extreme highs and lows moving from mania to depression. Treatment can help stabilize people with this disorder.


Sometimes Highs and Lows Can Be Experienced At The Same Time

While manic and depressive episodes are separate, sometimes people feel symptoms of highs and lows at the same time. Other names for this are mixed mania and a mixed state

Bipolar Disorder Can Affect Children

Most people show signs of bipolar disorder at about age 25. But, it can strike at any age. It can even occur in children and teenagers. It’s often hard to diagnose bipolar disorder in children.

Manic and Depressive Episodes Can Be Dangerous

Times of depression may trigger thoughts of suicide while times of mania can cause reckless behavior. This can have a bad effect on their finances, health and relationships. It might even lead to legal problems. 

Medication and a Healthy Lifestyle Help Keep Bipolar in Check

Medicine and therapy can help even out your moods and control symptoms of bipolar disorder. It’s also important to practice a healthy lifestyle. For instance, get regular exercise. Figure out how to better manage your stress. Yoga and meditation may be helpful.

You'll Always Need to Treat Bipolar Disorder

That means lifetime management. Follow your treatment plan and live a healthy lifestyle, even when you feel healthy. Many people live well by keeping their bipolar disorder under control. Know that your medicine and therapy may need to change over time.



What are Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?


  • Abnormally upbeat, jumpy or wired
  • Increased activity, energy or agitation
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Unusual talkativeness
  • Racing thoughts
  • Poor impulse control
  • Depressed mood
  • Marked loss of interest in activities
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain
  • Either insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
  • Thinking about, planning or attempting suicide




Through the groundbreaking use of integrative evidence based therapies we help develop coping strategies for Anxiety, mental wellness plans, principles of living a balanced life, and many more.

Mindfulness Groups


Mindfulness incorporates a handful of techniques used to respond appropriately to the events of the present moment. We offer expressive meditation groups to help you find that inner serenity.

Recreational Activities


Finding new ways to engage your mind and body can boost your ability to find passion where you may have lost it. We make sure that our clients get this kind of exposure.



Through the groundbreaking use of integrative evidence based therapies we help develop coping strategies for Depression, mental wellness plans, principles of living a balanced life, and many more.

Mindfulness Groups


Mindfulness incorporates a handful of techniques used to respond appropriately to the events of the present moment. We offer expressive meditation groups to help you find that inner serenity.

Recreational Activities


Finding new ways to engage your mind and body can boost your ability to find passion where you may have lost it. We make sure that our clients get this kind of exposure.

We Accept All Major PPO Insurance Providers

Insurance Could Cover Up To 100% Of Treatment Costs

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Or reach out today for a 100% confidential and free insurance verification. Insurance could cover the complete cost of treatment with no out of pocket pay required.